• Chandler Online Academy Cheating/Plagiarism Policy

    Academic Integrity

    All schoolwork submitted for the purpose of meeting course requirements must represent the efforts of the individual student. To help maintain an atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence among students and faculty and to ensure that each student’s learning is evaluated solely according to his or her own merits, any form of academic dishonesty is prohibited. Academic dishonestly includes, but is not limited to:



        · Allowing another person to take a quiz, exam, or similar evaluation for you.

        · Unauthorized collaboration in providing or requesting assistance, such as sharing information on an  

          academic exercise.



       · Submitting, as your own, through purchase or otherwise, part of or an entire work produced verbatim

         by someone else.

       · Paraphrasing ideas, data, or writing from another source without properly acknowledging the source

       · Unauthorized transfer of documents or use of someone else’s computer file or electronic material, as

         your own.

        · All work students produce should be their own authentic work. COA does not consider any work   

         generated from an artificial intelligence (AI) website or generator (such as ChatGPT) to be a student’s

         own authentic work. Like any other outside sources used in a student’s work, any use of an AI

         generator included in student work should be properly cited. Please note that COA utilizes software to

         aid in the detection of AI generated work. Evidence of AI usage in student work submissions without

         proper citation may result in the student being required to resubmit the assignment according to the

         policy outlined below, and/or meet live with his/her teacher to demonstrate mastery of the content

         suspected of AI usage.


    Facilitating Academic Dishonesty

       · Taking a quiz, exam, or similar evaluation in place of another person.

       · Allowing another student to copy from you. Providing material or other information to another  

         student with the knowledge that such assistance could be used in any of the violations stated above.

       · Participating in any action that compromises the integrity of the academic standards of the school;

         assisting another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.


    • Incidents of cheating/plagiarism will be handled as follows:
      • 1st offense = student redo assignment for partial credit
      • 2nd offense = no credit for assignment + referral
      • 3rd offense = removal from course + F on student transcript + referral 
      • * In an incident where a student turns in more than three assignments at one time that have been cheated or plagiarized, 3rd offense rules apply.


    • Students found cheating on a final exam will receive an automatic zero for the final, which will result in an F on their transcript. Infractions include:
      • Operating any electronic device once the exam has started.
      • Accessing any website away from their exam module.
      • Using any notes other than their hand-written 3x5 notecard.
      • Any other action used to gain an unfair advantage.


    • Cheating / plagiarism policy will be posted on the Chandler Online Academy website and included in the student handbook and the orientation course
    • Teachers will include cheating / plagiarism policy on their introduction pages, as well as on class correspondence throughout the course.