• The purpose of Turning Point USA is to promote patriotism in students at Perry High School and to educate them on the history of the United States, capitalism, and the ideas that influence the western world.

    Our goal is to build responsible citizens who will conserve our founding ideas and protect the natural rights of life, liberty, and property.

    We intend to meet at school regularly to hold informed discussions on conservative issues, and to plan activities congruent to our goals, including events hosted by the national organization.


    You can follow us on Social Media:

    Twitter @TPUSA_Perry

    Instagram @turningpointperry

    Check out Turning Point USA nationally 

TPUSA Executive Committee

  • President                                         Seceratary-      

      Dane Hoff                                            Nathan Groenwald

    Vice President-                                  Treasurer-                         

       Grant Stieber                                      Parker Thompson-Davies           

     Advisor-                                             Communications- 

     Mr. Myers                                              Ararat Hernandez

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