• Programs for the Success of All Students


    The transitional years of middle school can be the most critical and yet most difficult of a child’s education. To ensure the academic success of all students the staff at Andersen Jr. High School has implemented several programs designed to provide a helping hand and additional support. Most of these programs are unique to AJHS.



    Infinite Campus: The AJHS website has a “parent portal” where parents can check their child’s current grade in all of his/her classes. The “parent portal” is available 24 hours a day to parents and students. Please contact our office if you experience difficulty accessing the “parent portal” on our website.


    Read 180: Students who are two or more years behind in reading comprehension will be placed in a Read 180 class. For the past several years the Scholastic Read 180 program has proven to be the most effective reading improvement program for secondary students.


    “Responsible Thinking Process” our School wide discipline program: AJHS discipline philosophy is that students have the right to learn and teachers have the right to teach in safety. No one has the right to disrupt at school regardless of who they are, nor do they have the right to prevent other students from learning or to threaten the safety and rights of others. The AJHS standardized discipline plan known as the Responsible Thinking Process is exercised in each classroom, and on campus. It gives students a choice to respect the learning, safety, and rights of others. When students make poor choices, they choose to go to the Responsible Thinking Classroom. Students are taught to think for themselves, deal with their problems through effective plan making, and develop self-discipline.

    Please contact our office if you have any questions regarding these programs or if you would like more information. Thank you for your interest.