About Och...
Position: English/11
Room: K109
Phone: (480) 224-2349
Email: Och

Connect With Us


This website will be updated every day with information for the class. Look on the calendar for information on due dates!

My Education and Professional Background

I am originally from Bellingham, Washington (GO SEAHAWKS!) and graduated from Bellingham High School in 2007. I studied English Education at Arizona State University (GO SUN DEVILS) and graduated in 2011. I taught reading information text for a semester at the middle school level before coming to Basha.

My Educational Philosophy

My primary goal is to see you succeed in my class by helping you take ownership of what you learn. Overall I aim to prepare and motivate you towards your goals and, particularly, higher education. My daily 'rule of thumb:' meet me halfway. As a young adult, you must choose to exert effort and communicate your questions as soon as possible. Your primary objective for reading and writing is to continually elevate your ideas.

 | Email Kathryn Och