• Parent Pick-up and Drop-off

    The safety of all our students is always top priority here at Arizona College Prep! We want to remind everyone that we must, each and every moment, follow the safety procedures that have been put in place for a reason. It only takes a second, one glance away, one cell phone call, a quick text etc. to change lives forever. Accidents can and do happen. Don't think it won't/can't happen to you or your child. We must all follow the rules to protect our students:

    • Refrain from using your cell phone when on the streets, drop-off & pick-up lanes, and parking areas of the school no call is more important than a student's safety, calls can wait.
    • Please drive slowly, watching carefully as you pull out of a parking lot and obey all traffic laws.
    • Only pick-up/drop-off in the designated zone off California Street. Oakland St. and Erie St. are not designated pick-up or drop-off areas.

    In addition, please keep the following guidelines in place and allow extra time for delays the first several weeks of school or take advantage of our busing, as parents get familiar with the flow of traffic:

    • All students may be dropped off after 7:25 am on California Street on the East side of the school. (see map). Please note: CHS students start class at 7:25 am so earlier arrival may cause conflicts with parking arrangements.
    • Drivers must enter the drop off lane heading east from Oakland St and south on California Street and exit heading east on Erie Street towards Arizona Avenue on to ensure the smooth flow of traffic.
    • Only allow students to exit and enter the car from the curbside of the vehicle Do not double park or drop-off students in the "traffic lane" which would require students to walk between other vehicles.
    • Always pull as far forward along the curb as possible when dropping off or picking up your child and remind your student to actively look for your vehicle while waiting.
    • Do not park on Oakland or California Street and "wave" your child across the street. Never pick your child up after school on Oakland Street or the west parking lot (Oakland Street is a high traffic area).
    • Do NOT leave your car unattended in the pick-up/drop-off lanes. Drivers who wish to leave their vehicle must be in a legal parking space and all parents walking on campus to visit a classroom/teacher must first sign in at the front office. There is no parking on California Street.
    • Students may not leave campus once they have been dropped- off, unless they are signed out  through the front office or it is after the normal school release time of 2:44 pm. ALL LATE and EARLY student drop-offs/ pick-ups require a parent to sign them in/out thru the office – no exceptions.


    Pick-up & Drop-off Map

    As a reminder...

    Students are NOT allowed on campus prior to 7:25 am in order to ensure there is sufficient supervision by school personnel. Students needing to be dropped-off prior to 7:25 am must sign-up with Tween Express (480) 224-3900 or contact the front office to arrange for a one-time exception.

    Note: Students are not to arrive on campus prior to 7:25 am unless scheduled for a club meeting, sports practice or Tween Express.

    Thank you for helping us to assure the safety of all children as they travel to and from ACP!

    Click here for a to print this information.

Last Modified on January 25, 2022