In order to increase the rigor and incorporate more critical thinking skills into our daily curriculum, we are implementing a program called Thinking Maps.  A man named Dr. David Hyerle synthesized research on cognitive skills development and in turn, identified eight fundamental thinking skills and how they work together within the learning process.  In clearly defining these eight thinking skills, students become aware of the thinking that is driving their learning and can use this awareness to think about their thinking (metacognition) in order to improve their performance.  The Thinking Maps program associates each of the eight cognitive skills to a unique and dynamic visual representation as our ability to learn visually is greater than with any of our other senses. These maps can be used as a tool set for supporting effective instructional practice that teaches students how to move from concrete to abstract concepts, think with depth, and directly apply their thinking to more complex and intellectually demanding tasks across subject areas.  


    Visit the Thinking Maps website for more information:  Thinking Maps