• Welcome to Camille Casteel High School's

    National Honor Society Website

     National Junior Honors Society (NHS) is an organization that recognizes outstanding students in middle school. NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, character, leadership, and citizenship. Today, it is estimated that over 1 million students participate in NHS in all 50 states. 


    Scholarship is characterized by a commitment to learning. A student is willing to spend the necessary time to cultivate his/ her mind in the quest for knowledge. This pillar can only be achieved through diligence and effort. Scholarship means always doing the best work possible, regardless of impending reward.


    The pillar of service can be reached in a variety of ways. The willingness to work for the benefit of those in need without compensation or recognition of any kind is a quality that is essential in NHS members. As a service club, the National Honor Society is highly concerned with giving its all to the school and community at large.


    Character is based on the behaviors demonstrated as a person. Honesty, dependability, and personal high standards are all examples of character. Dedication, trustworthiness, and regularly showing care and concern for others are important parts of character.


    Leaders take the initiative to aid others in a wholesome manner throughout their daily activities. Leaders sacrifice their personal interests in order to yield to the needs of others. Leaders need wisdom and self-confidence to affect change in all aspects of their lives. Some examples of leadership can include, but are not limited to, leading group activities in the classroom and in the community, being an officer in a club, being a primary member of the band or choir, or being the captain of a sports team.


    Citizenship means understanding the importance of civic involvement, having a high respect for the American government and its processes, and demonstrating mature responsibility and participation through involvement in various community and school activities.