About the Test

    Chandler Unified School District (CUSD) gifted identification process ensures fairness and equity. CUSD currently administers the state-approved, Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) form 8. The Cognitive Abilities Test is used exclusively for the self-contained program because of the multiple measures that it offers. Having multiple measures in each domain greatly increases the dependability of the score profile that is reported for each student. Additionally, the reasoning abilities it measures have substantial correlations with learning and problem solving in an academic setting.

    The CogAT is administered in a group setting.  Each level of CogAT offers three test batteries. Each battery is represented by three different reasoning tasks, which are:

    • Verbal: Verbal Classification - Sentence Completion - Verbal Analogies
    • Quantitative: Quantitative Relations – Number Series – Equation Building
    • Nonverbal: Figure Classification – Figure Analogies – Figure Analysis

    Visit Riverside Insights - CogAT for more information about the assessment.

    CogAT Parent Dashboard: https://riversideinsights.com/citc/dashboard-parent

    What is CogAT?



    Any student who receives a score of 97th percentile or above in one of the three areas assessed, Verbal, Quantitative, or Nonverbal or a composite score at or above the 95th percentile on a state approved assessment is eligible to receive gifted services.


    Testing Registration

    Chandler Unified School District gifted student identification process ensures fairness and equity.

    Testing occurs at the school site once a year. As a screening process, all second graders, unless they decline testing, are tested. This blanket screening of all second graders ensures that equity and consideration of all students is given.

    • January 13-24, 2025 – All 2nd grade students currently enrolled in a CUSD school (carried out at school site, no registration necessary)
    • To request in-school testing for your child (3rd grade - 6th grade only). Complete the Site Testing Application/Aplicación de Examen de la Escuela and return it to the school by January 10th.

    CUSD also offers CogAT testing the second Saturday of every month from August - May (except October):

    • August – January - All students Pre-K (age 4 years and 6 months) to 7th grade, including students who do not currently attend a CUSD school, may apply online for testing.
    • February - May - ALL incoming Kindergarteners through 7th grade, including students who do not currently attend a CUSD school, may apply online for testing. 
    • 2nd graders who are CURRENTLY enrolled in CUSD (with the exception of COA) may NOT test December through February, as they will be tested in their classrooms in January.
    • To register for Saturday testing visit our Community Education Enrichment Programs website.  Click on "Show All" to see all testing options:
      • Registration opens up one month prior to the test date and closes 9 days before the testing session, or once the testing session is at capacity.
      • ALL students first register on a WAITLIST.  The WAITLIST does NOT mean the session is full.

    2024-2025 Test Schedule

    Test Dates

    Everyone who registers will be put on a wait list prior to confirmation. Once the registration is processed you will receive either a confirmation email or an email asking for a $130 payment. 

    There is a $130 fee for students who are not enrolled in CUSD.   

    If you are planning to enroll your student in a Chandler Unified School District school for Kindergarten we ask that you enroll him/her at your home school in January to receive an ID number. There will not be a fee assessed for testing if a student is currently enrolled in CUSD.

    Students must wait 6 months before they are able to retest in CUSD.  For students who are enrolled in CUSD there is a $130 fee for retesting within the same school year.


    Notification of Testing Results and Placement
    CUSD mails written notification of all test results to parents and/or legal guardians of students who take the CogAT, at their address of record. Test results are available in Spanish upon request. Parent notification of testing results includes an explanation of the gifted testing results and contact information for the Gifted Education Department.