• Gate 3 Gifted And Talented Education
    Identification and Assessment of Gifted


    Course Description:

    This course will provide teachers with an opportunity to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of tests, rating scales and other informal procedures for identification of gifted.  Attention will also be given to practical classroom assessments for use with gifted students. Scoring and interpretation of test data, portfolios, and project-based assessments will be employed to demonstrate application of course content. 

    Course Objectives:

    The student will:

    • Review the multi-dimensions of giftedness, and be familiar with the varied definitions of giftedness.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of various assessment instruments and strategies, their weaknesses and strengths, and the appropriate use of these instruments.
    • Administer and interpret/analyze student performance data as it relates to gifted program planning and differentiated instruction.
    • Evaluate the importance of the identification procedure as it relates to program evaluation at district, campus and individual student levels.


    • Develop an effective instrument to assess student learning within the context of gifted curriculum. 

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