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Thinking of Retiring?
The retirement process begins by notifying both CUSD and ASRS of your intent to retire.
If you haven't already done so, please fill out the CUSD resignation form and return to your Supervisor. Click here for link to form> CUSD Resignation form
To begin the process of retiring through ASRS you will need to contact them directly.
602-240-2000 or visit the Retirement Central page, link provided below:
Retirement Central | Arizona State Retirement System (
Retirement Seminars
Please register through your PowerSchool Professional Learning account to attend classes that will assist you in learning about ASRS, your pension benefits, options for retiree health insurance, member responsibilities, phased retirement, Medicare, rules of returning to work after retirement and more.
Route 3 - Destination in Sight |
Planning for retirement is vital. If you are considering retiring within the next three years or perhaps on the fence about retirement, this is the meeting for you. ASRS will review how a pension is calculated, options for retiree health insurance and other benefits and member responsibilities. In addition, you will receive general information in regards to PTO payoff process and the phased retirement program through Educational Services, Inc. (ESI).
Thursday, January 9, 2025District Office-Board Room4:00pm to 5:30pm
CUSD Retiree Exit Meeting |
Only retirees who will be retiring at the end of the current school year should attend this meeting. In this meeting we will ensure all CUSD required separation paperwork is completed and ensure all other forms necessary such as the Educational Services, Inc. (ESI) application is completed and turned in. We will also provide your PTO leave payoff during this meeting. Once completed, you can look forward to enjoying your retirement!
Thursday, January 23, 2025District Office-Board Room4:00pm to 5:00pm
Phased Retirement |
Employees who have reached their 80 points and will be retiring at the end of the current school year may apply to participate in Phased Retirement. CUSD has partnered with Educational Services, Inc. (ESI) to provide RetireRehire, a return-to-work service. This program allows you to retire, collect your full ASRS pension, while continuing to work.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025District Office4:00pm
Understanding Medicare |
Medicare is confusing. Come learn from a Medicare expert what options you have, what plans exist and what they cover. Understanding Medicare on your own is a lot of work, especially when you receive stacks of mail offering different plans from different providers. Let us help simplify it for you!
Tuesday, January 21, 2025District Office-Training Room4:30pm to 6:00pm
Route 4 - Next Exit, Retirement |
This group meeting is vital for members who will be retiring at the end of the current school year. During this webinar ASRS will provide each employee their pension benefit, explain the calculation method, retirement time line and the health insurance options for retirees as well as the return to work rules.
,Once all sessions have presented, a final Route 4 meeting will be scheduled with retirees.
District Calendar
December 30, 2024
December 31, 2024
January 1, 2025
January 2, 2025
January 3, 2025
January 6, 2025
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Community Connection Event