Chandler Unified School District Federal Programs

  • Welcome to the Chandler Unified School District's Federal Programs webpage.  The Federal Programs office is an umbrella that houses student and family resources, services, and programs in the following areas:  English Language Learners (ELL), Families in Transition (Homeless), Indian Education, Migrant Education, Refugee Education, Interpretation and Translation services, and Title I.
    Program Goal: To provide the necessary educational and supplemental resources, services, and programs to help meet the needs of Chandler Unified School District's underserved youth.
     Dept Photos
    What are the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards?
    Over the next few years, Arizona and more than 40 other states across the country will transition to a new set of learning standards, called Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards (ACCRS).  Click here to view a short three-minute video explaining how these standards will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond. 

    ACCRS provide a clear picture of what students need to learn each year in order to graduate from high school ready to succeed in college and careers.
    CUSD's Federal Programs would like all parents to be informed of the ACCRS. Please visit the Arizona Department of Education's Arizona College and Career Ready Standards website for more information about the new ACCRS and how it will affect your child.  Information is available in multiple languages.

Department Contacts

Dr. Korry Brenner
Director of Federal Programs & State Initiatives
(480) 224-3741
Kathrine Buchanan
Administrative Assistant
(480) 224-3741
Silvia Santizo
District Interpreter & Translator
(480) 224-3736
Senior Grant Writer
Valerie Gyory
Academic Coach - FIT (Families in Transition)
(480) 224-3751
Lisa St. Peter
Family Engagement Specialist (FIT) Data Clerk (Migrant) Data Clerk (Indigenous Ed.)
(480) 224-3749
Lorena Garcia
Academic Migrant Advocate & Recruiter
(480) 224-3756
Antonette Shirley
Indigenous Student Engagement Specialist
(480) 224-3739