Board Business

  • The Governing Board welcomes the public, including all school staff, parents and community members to its meetings. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, beginning at 7 p.m. Meeting space will be available to the public 30 minutes before the scheduled study session and/or scheduled regular board meeting.  Study sessions are held as needed for the purpose of studying one or more specific issues in depth. No action is taken during a study session.

    Click below to view the calendar of:

    Occasionally, a special meeting is held to handle specific business.  Executive sessions are also scheduled periodically for discussion of confidential matters, which include personnel, student discipline and legal matters. An executive session is closed to the public, but official action on executive session items is taken during regular Board meetings.

    All public meetings are held in the district office, 1525 W. Frye Road. To reach a board member, please call the district office at (480) 812-7600.

    Governing Board meetings air on Cox Cable Channel 99 and CenturyLink Channel 8003 at the following times: 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Sundays, noon, Tuesdays, and 4 a.m. Thursdays. Meetings can also be viewed on the Chandler School Board YouTube Channel.   


About Governing Board Meetings

  • General Information

  • Courtesy Post / Public Notice

  • Regular Board Meetings

  • Consent Agenda

  • Special Meetings

  • How Citizens can Participate

  • Guidelines for being heard