• The Choice is Yours

    Chandler Unified School District Logo The Chandler Unified School District is a premier district of choice. Academic achievement is a high priority in the district as evidenced by test scores which exceed state and national averages. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding educational programs at all grade levels. Parents may choose from a menu of personalized learning experiences which best meet the needs of their children. Click here to learn more about your many choices, or visit www.cusd80.com/choice.

    Student About CUSD

    It is our mission to provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be lifelong learners and responsible citizens. Chandler Unified has a proven track record of success that spans more than 80 years. A competitive teacher-to-student ratio, state-of-the art technology, safe school program, modified calendar and high expectations for all students are among the reasons why Chandler Unified School District is recognized as one of the premier school districts in the nation. Our schools have earned Arizona A+ honors or U.S. Blue Ribbon recognition 47 times since 1983.

    Chandler Unified Budget Information 

    Budget Chandler Unified welcomes input from the community regarding our budget. In this section you will find a presentation regarding the state of the district budget.

    Click here for detailed information regarding Chandler Unified School District's budget.


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