Title I Program (ESEA)
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- CUSD Title I Programs - FAQs
FAQsWhat is Title I?Title I is the largest federal aid program for public schools. This program provides additional funds for educating disadvantaged children. These funds are designated to assist children in meeting challenging academic standards. Title I is the federal government's commitment to closing the achievement gap between low-income and moderate to high income students.Who does Title I serve?Title I serves children in eligible schools, ages 5-17, that are identified most in need of educational help to meet the state standards.How does Title I work?Each year, the federal government provides Title I funding to the states. The State Educational Agencies (SEA) allocate money to school districts based on the number of low-income families. The Local Education Agency (LEA) or school district identifies eligible schools and provides Title I funding and resources to these schools.How can Title I help me as a parent?School districts that receive more than $500,000 from Title I, must allocate at least 1% of the money to support parent involvement programs and activities.How do Title I schools keep parents informed and involved?
- Holding an annual meeting to explain Title I policy and programs;
- Giving parents up-to-date academic information about their children in an easy-to-understand format;
- Offering parents a flexible number of meetings on Title I;
- Involving parents in the decision-making process on how parent involvement dollars are spent.
What Title I programs are provided to inform and support parents?Programs vary depending on schools. Some example of programs may include:parenting programs, take-home learning activities, parent resource centers in schools, etc.
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