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- Chandler Unified School District
- Record Retention
Student Records Retention
How and What to Archive
AZ State Library, Archives, & Public Records Retention Schedules - Click on the "Fully Searchable PDF of ALL GENERAL RETENTION SCHEDULES" to view the required items to archive and the length of time required to archive.
How to organize PI folder per Asst. Supt/Elementary Ed - This includes instructions on how to purge elementary files that are being transferred to a junior high.
How to purge PI files for transfer per Asst. Supt/Secondary Ed - These are instructions on how to purge elementary files that are being transferred to Junior High and how to purge Junior High PI folders being transferred to high schools.
Archive Log - Excel Spreadsheet that must be maintained by a site or department on a shared file in case any information is in need of retrieval. Prior to picking up, please email Juan Grano the digital archive log in excel format.
Follow the guidelines below to prepare personal information files to be archived
High School/ Archived (Inactive) to WarehouseRecords Officer will request a specific birth year to be sent to the warehouse. Each site will maintain the inactive file on site until the request is completed.
******* After October break we will be picking up birth year 2005 and older*****- Immunization info from the Health File is placed in the Personal Information File (PI)
- All purged paperwork is separated and placed in the Health File
- PI File is alphabetized and sent to the warehouse for archiving
- Health files are alphabetized by last name and sent to the warehouse for storage and destruction
The cover of the Personal Information Folder must be up-to-date and completed prior to transfer to the warehouse. All files transferred to the warehouse should be sorted by birth year, and alphabetized by last name.Personal Information Folder needs to contain the following:- Immunization Information (ASIR109 R or Exemption form)
- Junior High Transcripts
- High School Transcripts consolidated on one page (Landscape with AIMS)
- Attendance summary for EACH year in CUSD (Student Profile)
- Standardized Test Scores (AIMS, AZELLA, AZMerit, TerraNova, etc.) if not on Student profile.
Record Retention Labels
You can scroll down to browse all Labels in order by schedule name.Search by: