Gila River Indian Community (GRIC)

  • In November 2017, Gila River Indian Community (GRIC) and Chandler Unified School District signed a Memorandum of Agreement, which will allow a GRIC Student Advisor to work with Gila River students enrolled in CUSD high schools. This is an exciting opportunity to provide tribal support and resources to GRIC students and families. The GRIC advisor will be at on-site to conduct weekly visits with Gila River students to review credits, attendace, grades, post secondary plans, and more.

    The mission of the Gila River K-12 Student Advisor Program is to ensure students and parents have access to educational and cultural opportunities to help them attain academic success and personal growth – therefore preparing and encouraging future achievement.


     GRIC Advisor: Gabe Munoz

    Hello GRIC Families!

    We will be working with Gila River students in the Chandler Unified School District to advocate for your students' success by offering the following services:

    • Providing individualized guidance on addressing their educational, cultural, and personal needs and identifying resources and information that can satisfy their needs
    • Monitoring students’ academic progress with the addition of providing individualized plans of action as needed
    • Addressing truancy of GRIC students with proactive interventions as needed
    • Ensuring the safety and needs of the student are being met
    • Communicating with teachers, counselors, and other school officials to ensure a student’s overall academic success

    We look forward to working with your students, and we always encourage active parental/guardian involvement in their children's education!

    Sincerely, Gabe

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