Chandler Online Academy-Elementary

  • Chandler Online Academy-Elementary for K-6th grade

    Parents who are interested in enrolling in Chandler Online Academy-Elementary (COA-Elementary) (Online Learning Model of Instruction) must apply for Open Enrollment

    COA-Elementary offers:

    • General Education 
    • Gifted consultative services available
    • Acceleration options depending on previous learning track
    • Five full days of instruction per week
    • Daily teacher-led instruction in whole and small groups (live lessons)
    • Course content will cover: Math, Science, Social Science, English Language Arts and Elective areas
    • Individualized supports and accommodations will be provided
    • In-person hands on opportunities as well as virtual and on-site field trips
    • In-person assessments 

    Technology Information for Chandler Online can be found here.

    For additional questions, please call the Chandler Online Academy-Elementary at 480-812-6360.