Welcome to Sixth Grade, Eagles!
Mrs. Scott's ELA Class
Sixth Grade Information
Parents and students, please also refer to the sixth grade NEWS page on the Liberty Website for important information.
Pencil Boxes
Students may wish to have a pencil box or oversized pouch to store all six-sided pencils and pens, highlighter, expo-marker, colored pencils, six-inch ruler, sock or other type of whiteboard eraser, and glue stick. Due to limited desk space, students will not store pencil boxes in their desk, but rather, keep it handy in their backpack for each class rotation. To view all needed supplies for a successful year, please view the list on the 6th Grade News page.
Each student will need to have a backpack to store their supplies. Backpacks must be able to hang over the back of the student's chair in order to keep walkways clear for entering and exiting the classroom. Thank you in advance for not bringing wheeled backpacks to class: there will not be a lot of extra room in the portable classrooms.
Water Bottles
The student's water bottle should be clearly labeled with their name each day. Please ensure that your water bottle does not leak and that it will close completely (no straws).
Lunch Time AND Specials
If you pay for lunches (myschoolbucks.com), please do so before the start of the school day. This assists our cafeteria director in crediting accounts more expediently. Students should not store money in their pockets or backpacks due to potential loss or theft. Please remind your student to take home their lunch box each day. Lunch boxes will not be allowed to be left overnight as this will encourage unwanted pests and critters to take up residence in our portable classroom.
The lunch and specials schedule will be updated soon. :)
Special Schedule for Mrs. Scott's Class
Specials are based on a 6-day rotation.
The first day of school is classified as a "Day 2."
Day P.E.
Day Computer Lab
Day Music
Day P.E.
Day Library
Day Music
Don't forget to wear
appropriate shoes for P.E. :)
Homework is assigned to aid each student in time management, personal responsibility, skills practice of concepts and objectives taught in class, the strengthening of basic skills, developing study skills, developing initiatives, and fostering independent learning. The homework policy will also keep parents involved in their student's academic progress as well as the CTA curriculum.
Reading, Spalding, and Language/Writing homework will typically be sent home Monday - Thursday. Students will be responsible for recording nightly homework assignments on their agenda. Parents will check their student's agenda for communication as well as homework assignments/information.
All assigned homework is due at the beginning of the next class period. Late or partially completed homework, although appreciated, may not receive full credit. It is required that all assignments be completed neatly and as assigned.
Allow your sixth-grader to complete the assigned work as independently as possible. At the sixth grade level, although it is expected per CTA guidelines for parents to check homework for accuracy, completeness, and neatness, it should be the responsibility of your student to take ownership of homework completion. Therefore, it will not be necessary for you to initial or sign the homework agenda Monday - Wednesday, but rather, only on Thursday evening for class on Friday.
A parent signature is typically only required in the Friday section of the agenda each week indicating that you have checked and agree with your student's grades and behaviors in Infinite Campus. Although additional signatures may be required on various days if a teacher is trying to communicate a question or alert.
Students shall be provided one day for each absent day to make up for missed assignments, not including long-term assignments. Work not completed by the assigned time shall be considered late; however, teachers shall use their discretion to determine guidelines in acceptance of late assignments due to extenuating circumstances. :)
It will be the student's responsibility to obtain all missed classwork and homework assignments to complete as assigned and to turn in on time after being absent or tardy for class.
What is our Classroom Plan?
Ways of Our Class
- Be on time
- Be prepared for class
- Follow the directions of caring adults at school
- Show respect in your words & actions
Reinforcements for Glowing, Positive, Behavior
- Phone call and/or email home to celebrate your behavior with a family member
- Verbal and/or written praise
- Classroom and/or school recognition
- Exceptional grades, Honor Roll, Distinguished Honor Roll... Fantastic Work, 6th Grader!
Consequences of Growing, Inappropriate, Behavior
Note: Parent(s)/Guardian(s), as a team, teacher/student/parent, we can correct negative behavior together in order to work toward a positive outcome that centers on the task of learning. Let's work together for a positive and successful classroom learning environment for all students.
- Verbal and/or written warnings will occur after gentle redirections
- Reflection/Behavior Log will be completed and returned to school with parent and student signatures
- Student will be unable to participate in recess and/or school/teacher-directed activities
- Visit to front office will occur if behavior continues
- Parent/Guardian contacted via email, phone, or note from the teacher or office
- The CUSD/CTA-Liberty Elementary Discipline Policy will be put into effect
- Student will be sent to principal/office immediately for severe disruptions or actions
CTA-Liberty Birthday Policy
Happy Birthday!
Birthdays are special and fun to celebrate. However, the district has asked families not to send in birthday treats. Instead, the teacher will recognize the student's special day in the classroom.
Please remember that students do not hand out invitations at school unless all students in the class are given an invitation.