• Dear Parents, 

    We love having you on campus, volunteering, visiting classrooms, having lunch with your kids, etc.  Please review the guidelines below per the district handbook, in regards to being on campus.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.  Thank you in advance for your help and support.

    Alexis CruzFreeman

    Frye Principal


    District Handbook, pg. 15

    Please feel free to visit our school.  We do ask that, as a courtesy, you notify the teachers before visiting.  If you visit our school you will need to register in the office and receive a visitor badge.  The school will terminate visiting privileges for any parent or guardian who is interfering with instruction during the visit or who does not conduct him/herself appropriately.

    * In order to support dress code and to set a good example for our students, parents are asked to wear modest attire when on campus to have lunch, visit classrooms, volunteer or pick up/drop off students.

    * We do not allow children from other schools to visit our students during school hours.

    * Should you wish to observe, we require that parents refrain from playing on the playgrounds with their children (before school).

    * While we greatly appreciate our parent volunteers, district guidelines do not allow for parents to have preschoolers and/or siblings accompany them while volunteering.

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