- Fulton Elementary
- Overview
Attendance Overview
Successful learning requires daily attendance. Students have excused absences when illness prevents them from attending school. Absences must be called into the attendance line 480-224-3303 by 10:00a.m. We are required by the state health department to track communicable diseases so it is important for you to describe the type of illness.
Family vacations are not excused absences. The modified year round calendar utilized in Chandler provides multiple extended vacation time 4 times a year. Please try to plan your vacations during that time. Any absence over 10 days requires students to be dropped from the roster and return same-class placement is not guaranteed.
The school day is from 8:30am-3:00pm (Kindergarten students are dismissed at 2:50pm). The school bell rings at 8:25am and students are marked tardy after 8:31am. Students are allowed on campus after 8:05am.
If your child will be absent or tardy for any reason, please call the attendance line at (480) 224-3303.
Please be sure to include the following information when reporting an absence:
- Name of the student(s)
- Name of the teacher
- Date of the absence
- Reason for the absence (such as illness, appointment, vacation, etc.)
If your child will be absent due to an illness, please indicate the symptom(s) (such as cough, congestion, sore throat, etc.).
Our Robo System will call out to parents/guardians at 10:15 am for unreported absences.