• About Mrs. Kristin Driscoll...

    Position: Dean of Students

    Phone: 480.224.3300

    Email: Mrs. Kristin Driscoll

    Mrs. Kristin Driscoll

    Connect With Us

    Click here to connect with us on our school social media pages, Infinite Campus Portal (assignments and grades), by email, or by phone.


    Welcome to Fulton Elementary School!

    My Education and Professional Background

    I grew up in Colorado and attended Arizona State University where I received my Bachelor's in Elementary Education.  I taught for 10 years in Austin, Texas and Mesa, Arizona in their public school systems.  After 10 years in the classroom, I pursued my dream of being an Administrator.  I hold my Master's in Educational Leadership from Northern Arizona University. 

    My Educational Philosophy

    I believe in creating an ideal learning environment by looking at the whole child. I strive to develop strong relationships, while supporting student's social emotional and cognitive development. My goal is for students to leave Fulton Elementary with confidence and critical thinking skills, so they are ready for life beyond the four walls of the classroom.