• Wellness Program



    Dear Jacobson Families,

    We have made a commitment to support the health and well being of our staff and students by implementing a school-wide plan that will focus on making healthier choices while incorporating more physical activity. 
    For your child's birthday, we would like to encourage healthy lunch and snack choices as well as non-food treats for rewards and incentives.  
    Our staff will be participating in our wellness program as well.  You may even see staff members wearing their own pedometers and taking part in healthy competitions, as well as being good role models to promote fitness.  We are going to make an effort to increase our students physical activity time by doing more activity breaks and energizers in the classroom, taking a walk around our school fitness trail and getting involved in activities out side of our school day like running club, other CUSD clubs, our Holiday Fun Run, Jump Rope for Heart and local fun runs like the Frank Kush Fun Run and The Chandler Challenge (please check the PE calendar for up coming events.)  Thank you for your support in our mission to make Jacobson Elementary a happy and healthy school!!   
    Please contact our P.E. teacher, Amanda Dannenfeldt, if you would like to share information about up coming races or events in the community, healthy recipes or other healthy ideas for our school at Dannenfeldt.Amanda@cusd80.com

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