- Galveston Elementary
- About the Teacher
About Ms. Ocano...
Position: 4th Grade
Room: 19
Phone: 480-812-6549
Email: Ms. Ocano
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Welcome to Ms. Ocaño's classroom! I am looking forward to an amazing school year. Thank you for allowing me to teach your child this school year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or are in need of assistance.¡Bienvenidos al la clase de la Sra. Ocaño! Espero tener un año escolar increíble. Gracias por permitirme enseñarle a su hijo/a este año escolar. No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda.
My Education and Professional Background
I graduated from the University of Arizona where I received my bachelors degree in Bilingual Elementary Education and a Masters degree in Reading, Language, and Culture. I have worked in various capacities in education over the past 13 years, working as a paraprofessional, substitute, and teacher in various districts.
My Educational Philosophy
My goal is for my students to come into a welcoming environment that encourages them to express themselves. It is this safe environment that allows for students to take risks, set goals, and take pride in their learning. It is important for me as an educator to foster that love for learning in my students. Mi objetivo es que mis alumnos entren en un ambiente acogedor que los anime a expresarse. Es este ambiente seguro el que permite a los estudiantes tomar riesgos, establecer metas y estar orgullosos de su aprendizaje. Para mí, como educadora, es importante fomentar ese amor por el aprendizaje en mis alumnos.
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