About Lynch...
Position: Dean of Students/Title 1 Coordinator
Room: Front Office
Phone: 480-812-6524
Email: Lynch

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Hello Galveston Lions! This is my 5th year at Galveston Elementary. I am honored to continue servicing our community. I am the Dean of Students and Title 1 Coordinator for the 2018-2019 school year.

My Education and Professional Background

I completed my Educational Leadership from Western New Mexico University in 2014. I earned my Master's Degree in Special Education from New Mexico Highlands University and my Elementary Education Degree with emphasis in Language Arts from University of New Mexico. I have been an educator since 2003. I have taught general education grade levels 3rd-5th grade, special education grade levels K-6th, and Opportunity Kinder-1st, Title 1 Coordinator, and Behavior Specialist.

My Educational Philosophy

I believe we must start with building and keeping relationships are vital. We need to build and create relationships with one another, kids, families and the community. Then we need to know and understand the social emotional, developmental, and academic needs for all students. Then we can teach from their foundations. No Significant learning occurs without a Significant relationship - Dr. James Conner

 | Email Carissa Lynch