• Set up Outlook 2016 on your CUSD Computer

    Logging on to your CUSD computer with your new username will set up a new user profile, which means you will need to set up your Outlook 2013/2016 software again if you were using it before. You can also continue to check your e-mail using Outlook Online.

    1. Launch the Outlook 2016 application from the Start menu. On the Welcome to Outlook 2016 screen, click Next.
    2. On the Add an Email Account screen, make sure Yes is selected and click Next.
    3. If your name and e-mail address are not already filled in, fill them in and click Next. Remember, this is your “real” e-mail address (not the one that used your IFAS number). If you are asked for your password, enter this, too.
    4. If you are prompted to re-enter your password, please do so (you can check the Remember my credentials box to prevent this message from appearing in the future).
    5. On the Configuring screen, wait for all 3 steps to complete. If everything worked correctly, you should get a confirmation message that your account has been set up (if something went wrong, go back and make sure your e-mail address and password are being entered correctly).
    6. Click the Finish button to complete the setup process and begin downloading your e-mail (this may take a while depending on how many e-mails are in your inbox).

    Microsoft Outlook - Add an Email Account screen

    Outlook E-mail Account settings window

    Outlook new account confirmation screen

    These instructions are available in printable form or video form below.