•                     Veterens Day Performance
                        Chorus Club 


    The Humphrey Chorus is made up of 4th through 6th grade

    students who love to sing. Chorus meets on Thursdays after school from 2:45-3:30


    Chorus students learn many singing skills. These include the ability to use singing posture

    and breathing techniques to support vocal production, to identify vocal anatomy including

    the function of the diaphragm and the larynx in singing, to use breathing exercises during

    vocal warm-ups, to develop accurate intonation and beauty of tone in singing, to demonstrate

    knowledge of terminology related to producing a vocal tone, to perform music in unison and

    harmony with and without accompaniment, to read music of varying styles and levels of

    difficulty, to develop the ability to sing independently, and to work together as a

    cooperative group.

    The chorus will perform several times throughout the year. The specific performance

    dates will be announced.

    Club Sponsor: Mr. Tietge


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