• Welcome to Band at CTA Humphrey! 

    Mr. Abrahamson
    Dear parents and students,
    Welcome to band at CTA Humphrey!  This year is my fourth year teaching band at CTA Humphrey and my thirteenth year teaching in CUSD.  I am very proud to be one of the Marshalls!
    Participating in band is a fun and exciting experience not to be missed!  At CTA Humphrey, band is offered before the regular school day.  5th and 6th grade students who have one full year of experience playing a band instrument can enroll in the advanced band.  5th and 6th grade students who are just starting to learn a band instrument can enroll in the beginning band.  
    Please take a moment to look around and explore the website.  On the left of the screen, you'll find a number of links to important band information.  Most importantly, please use the band calendar to stay on top of this year's band schedule.  Students are expected to bring their instruments every day they have band.  
    Please let me know at any point this year if you have any questions.
    Luke Abrahamson
    Director of Bands at,
    CTA Humphrey
    Patterson Elementary
    Haley Elementary
    Carlson Elementary 


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