CTA Freedom Spanish Dual Language Exploration / Dual Language Immersion (DLI)

  • CTA Freedom is pleased to offer Pre-K (Dual Language Exploration) and Kindergarten - 1st grade (Dual Language Immersion).

    2nd grade (Dual Language Immersion) will be added for the 2024-2025 School Year

How to Learn More or Apply

Why Spanish as a Second Language?

  • Dual Language Immersion (DLI) is an effective way to prepare students to be linguistically and globally aware. To achieve this goal for CTA Freedom students, the Spanish Dual Language Immersion model delivers content in both English and Spanish.

    • PreK - Dual Language Exploration
    • Kindergarten - Dual Language Immersion
    • 1st Grade - Dual Language Immersion beginning in 2023-2024 school year
    • DLI enrollment will gradually expand to future grades as students are promoted.

    Enroll now!