• Art Masterpiece

    Looking for an opportunity to have some fun in your child’s classroom? 

    Come join Art Masterpiece!



    Art Masterpiece is an Art and Art Literacy Class taught by VOLUNTEERS (any adult) 

    who want to roll up their sleeves and have some fun in the classroom! Each month, students are introduced to, and learn how to analyze, new artists and artistic movements. Students then have the opportunity to apply what they have learned by creating their own original piece of artwork. 

    Time Commitment: Each Art Masterpiece class is roughly 1 hour long. (plus 15 minute set up, 15 minute cleanup) There are 6 lessons taught in each classroom throughout the year. Sign up for 1, sign up for a bunch- we’d love to have you! We will start our lessons at the beginning of September. 

    Experience needed: NONE!

    • No teaching or art experience needed
    • Each lesson (newly revamped during 2020) is presented on Google Slides (already put together for you)
    • Each art project has step-by-step instructions
    • We will meet as a group before you start to go over the process and give you some teaching tips

    How do I sign up? Great Question! Email the following information to your child’s teacher.

    1. Volunteer Name
    2. Phone Number and Email
    3. Child’s Name
    4. Child’s Grade
    5. Child’s Teacher


    Still have some questions? No problem! Email your Art Masterpiece Coordinator. I would love to talk to you!

    Jessica Peterson- jessicacpeterson@gmail.com


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