About Mendoza...
Position: Specials - Media Specialist
Room: Media Center
Phone: 480-224-2601
Email: Mendoza

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Welcome to Mrs. Mendoza's Website, a place where you can keep updated on what is going on in the media center and school-wide reading programs

My Education and Professional Background

I've been teaching since 1995. I have taught preschool, Kindergarten, Third Grade, and Sixth Grade. People have often asked me what is the best? I tell them, whatever I'm teaching at the moment. Now, that I work in the Media Center, I can enjoy them all! I have a bachelor's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from NMSU and a master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction from ASU. Go Devils!

My Educational Philosophy

I believe that parents are a child's first educator. I am on your team as a secondary educator.

 | Email Ruth Mendoza