- Shumway Leadership Academy
- About the Teacher
About Mrs. Sharon Henderson...
Position: ELD
Room: 21
Phone: 480-812-7451
Email: Mrs. Sharon Henderson
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My name is Sharon Henderson and I am the English Language Development (ELD) teacher at Shumway Leadership Academy. I have been teaching students who are learning English for over 20 years. I have taught in the Czech Republic, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Turkey, Vietnam and the United States. I enjoy seeing my students grow in their English Skills!
My Education and Professional Background
B.S. Elementary Education
M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction (ESL)
M.Ed. Reading and Language
My Educational Philosophy
I believe in:
• Providing a balanced instruction in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing
• Recognizing each student's developmental level and unique learning style
• Offering suggestions to teachers and parents on how to support language learning
• Promoting bilingualism and cultural understandingClick to Report a Website Problem