- Hartford Sylvia Encinas Elementary
- About Mrs. Griffin...
About Mrs. Griffin...
Position: 5th Grade TOP Teacher
Room: 36
Phone: 480-812-6700
Email: Mrs. Griffin
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Greetings Huskies...!! I am the 5th grade TOP teacher at Hartford this year. I am thrilled to be working with students introducing new concepts and developing thought provoking discussions within a positive environment.
My Education and Professional Background
I graduated from the University of Wisconsin and hold a master's degree in education. I have been teaching and inspiring students at the elementary and junior high levels for over 16 years.
My Educational Philosophy
My philosophy of education is that all children are unique and have something special that they can bring to their own education. I will guide students in learning how to express themselves and accept themselves for who they are, as well as embrace the differences of others. My role as an educator is to assist each child develop their own potential and learning styles. I will foster a curriculum that incorporates different learning styles, as well as make the content relevant to the students' lives through hands-on learning, cooperative learning, projects, and individual work that engages and activates student learning.
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