About Murray...
Position: 2nd
Room: C20
Phone: (480) 424-8570
Email: Murray

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Welcome to Second Grade! I am happy and excited to be back in Arizona and thrilled to be a Rice Rhino. I am looking forward to a rewarding and successful year.

My Education and Professional Background

I graduated with honors from the University of Northern Iowa with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education and also with honors from Northern Arizona University with a Master of Arts degree in Educational Administration. My first teaching position was with Mesa Public Schools followed by assignments in southern Arizona, Texas and Virginia. I have taught all elementary grade levels with the exception of kindergarten and sixth grade and also served as a principal for a private school. I feel my experience at various grades levels and in different districts (and states) has allowed me to grow and develop in my career and to utilize the most effective aspects from each of these settings to enable your child to succeed in his/her educational career.

My Educational Philosophy

I believe that each child is unique and capable of learning and that in order for children to grow and mature intellectually, emotionally and physically a safe and orderly environment is needed. When a classroom environment supports idea sharing, hard work and respect, students are better able to meet their full potential. It is my goal to provide this learning environment for your child. It is my honor to teach your child this year.

 | Email Jolene Murray