• Santan Junior High Finals Schedule

    On the early release days, school releases at 1:04pm, and the class periods are 76 minutes long with 4 minute breaks.

    Santan Junior High Final Exam Schedule Fall 2024 

    Tuesday, Dec. 17 
    (Day 2 Regular Bell Schedule) -
    Day 2 Elective Finals

    Wednesday, Dec. 18 -
    Day 1 Elective Finals &
    CORE Class Finals

    Thursday, Dec. 19 -
    Day 1 Elective Final &
    CORE Class Finals

    1st Hour

    9:08 - 10:24

    2nd Hour

    9:08 - 10:24

    3rd Hour

    10:28 - 11:44

    4th Hour

    10:28 - 11:44

    5th Hour

    11:48 - 1:04

    6th Hour

    11:48 - 1:04

    *Periods are 76 minutes long with 4 minute breaks

    Santan Junior High Final Exam Schedule Spring 2025
    (Day 2 Electives will test on Tuesday, May 20.) 

    Wednesday, May 21 -
    Day 1 Elective &
    CORE Class Finals

    Thursday, May 22 -
    Day 1 Elective &
    CORE Class Finals  

    1st Hour

    9:08 - 10:24

    5th Hour

    9:08 - 10:24

    2nd Hour

    10:28 - 11:44

    6th Hour

    10:28 - 11:44

    3rd/4th  Hour

    11:48 - 1:04

    Storm Hour** 11:48 - 1:04
    **Storm Hour on May 22 will be used for 8th graders' laptop check-in, 7th grade preparation for the end of the day Clap-Out, and make-up exams.
    • Comprehensive finals will be given at the end of each semester. 
    • Finals will be averaged into the students’ grade at the end of the semester with a 10% weight. 
    • If the student is absent for their final, the score will be entered as zero, but they will have two weeks to make up the exam. 
      • For 1st semester exams, please contact your child's teacher for make-up dates.
      • For 2nd semester exams, please contact the front office to schedule make-up dates. 
    • If a student chooses not to make up the examination once missed, it will be counted as a zero.  
    • Once the final has been made up, the new grade will be reflected in Infinite Campus.