About Kleinberger...
Position: Social Studies
Room: C101
Phone: (480)883-5451
Email: Kleinberger

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8th grade social studies connects civic engagement principles with the history of the United States. Government, economics, current events, and geography will also be focuses of study throughout our curriculum. Students will develop rich historical knowledge, global literacy, and citizenship skills. We will interact with various resources to transfer new knowledge into high-level thinking and discussions, so please use materials on this web page to help achieve success.

My Education and Professional Background

I am originally from Seattle, but attended San Diego State University, where I earned my English degree and teaching credential. I am certified in both English Language Arts and Social Studies.

My Educational Philosophy

A valuable education is one that helps students learn to be accountable, responsible, and respectful. The ability to reflect on and learn from all aspects of learning will help students far into the future.

 | Email Marie Kleinberger
Last Modified on September 25, 2020