• Concert Expectations for Band

    Dr. Lennex

    Attendance: Students are expected to attend 1 evening concert each semester. The dates will be posted on the school’s and the teacher’s webpages early in the school year. As this is a school activity and is the only formal performance of the semester, it is asked that you prioritize the concert over other club meetings or practices that may conflict.

    Arrival: Students are expected to be present at the school, in the designated room, no less than 20 minutes before the concert is to start. Typically, 6th grade ensembles perform second, but are still asked to arrive at the same time to allow for attendance taking and warm up.

    Departure: Typically, 5th grade ensembles perform first. It is expected that the students will stay and listen to 6th grade. At the conclusion of the band portion, students may leave with their parents/guardians. If another group, such as orchestra or choir, is performing after band, all band students are welcome and encouraged to stay and listen to their friends.

    Attire: Students are expected to dress up for concerts.

    • Minimum requirements: Clean khaki pants & a nice collared (polo) shirt with shoes.
    • Preferred dress: Dress pants, dress shoes, button-down dress shirt, or nice dress or skirt & blouse. Skirts and dresses should extend below the knee.
    • Optional: Ties and jackets
    • Inappropriate attire: jeans and denim skirts, denim shirts, shorts, t-shirts, flip-flops, athletic apparel, and polos with logos, writing, or pictures.


    Concert Dates

    12/10/2019 5:00pm Multi-Purpose Room

    5/12/2020 6:00pm Multi-Purpose Room