About Burden...
Position: 7th grade Language Arts
Room: 804
Phone: (480)883-5558
Email: Burden

Connect With Us


Welcome to Miss Gnadt's seventh grade Language Arts page. Here you will find out what our agenda is, important information about the class and assignments, and how to contact me.

My Education and Professional Background

I graduated from ASU with my bachelor's in Secondary Education-English. Throughout college I spent time working in an elementary setting, providing respite care, and continuing to work in order to gain more experience in a classroom. I have been teaching Language Arts since 2015

My Educational Philosophy

Every student should have the opportunity to grow and reach their full potential not only in academics but in life as well. If I get to be a part of that journey and can help students do this, I will be eternally grateful seeing as though they were a part of my journey and growth too.

 | Email Kayla Burden