• Online Textbook access

    Note: Students may always bring home their physical text and Spalding books along with their notes!

    Weekly Homework Schedule for Mrs. Chombah's class 

    • HW is assigned Monday-Thursday 
    • Click  here for the district guidelines on CTA homework expectations (see pg. 99)
      • Please note: Per the guidelines, "in addition to specific homework assignments, students are expected to spend 15-30 minutes of additional reading."
    • Nightly HW is as follows (unless shortened week, in which case may vary):

      1. Reading (Read 20 minutes or as needed to achieve/maintain Oral Reading Fluency goal of 125 words within 1 minute) and reading activity

      2. Math HW (pages from My Math consumable text book-assigned problems varies)

      3. Finish/Practice Math facts (students should know their Math facts through 12 with automaticity - the CTA program defines this as 100 facts within 3 minutes in 4th grade-see CTA handbook pg. 96)

      4. Moby Max (10 min assigned in Math M-T and 10 min assigned in Paired Reading W and Th)

    • The night before the Spelling test only (usually Thursdays, but it may be Wednesday if we aren't in school Friday as tests are the last day of the school week): In addition to the nightly assignments listed above, students are assigned to take a practice test either in Spelling City (must print or have parent note in planner to confirm completion) or on paper with an adult (adult must score and sign).  Student needs to write any word missed in cursive 5x each to turn in.


    Homework Help

    Click here to link to gain help to various resources in all Content areas

    Click here for various learning turorial videos

    Note: Grammar and Reading help videos are under the Math ones (scroll down).

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