• Spalding Spelling, Phonograms and Rules tests will occur weekly on the last day of the school week (usually Fridays unless we are not in school that day, in which case it'll be Thursday).

    Spelling words will be dictated/entered into Spalding books during the school day at the beginning of each week. Students may bring Spalding books back and forth from home to school and also may access items virtually below. Phonograms and rules will be reviewed 2-3 days per week, but students should be practicing these at home as well. 


    Access Spelling lists on Spelling City, linked below! Check newsletters for specific list dates.

    Spelling City

    Remember, you can use Spelling City to do your Spelling homework assignment the night before the test (taking a practice test), or you can use paper/pencil and have an adult give you a practice test.  Either way, a parent must write a note in your planner with your score and their initials.  Please write any words you miss 5x each to prepare for your test!

    NOTE: You don't need to create an account to access the lists, take practice tests or play some of the practice games for free.  

    Ways to practice Spelling/Prepare for Spelling tests:

    Spelling Menu

    Spelling practice ideas 

    Spalding Spelling Rules

    Spalding Spelling Rules

    Spalding Spelling Rule Online Practice

    Spalding Rules Bingo PDF

    Print, cut and practice by playing BINGO! You can even use the cards as flashcards and/or to play "Memory".


    Phonogram Sounds 

    Listen and practice phonograms free here!

    Phonogram Cues

    Practice the cues for the different phonogram sounds, using this sheet.


    Poems/Oral recitations

    Quarter 1: The preamble to the Declaration of Independence and Class Mission Statement

    Quarter 2-4: TBD


    Writing Resources

    transition words/phrases list


    Thinking Maps


    Click to view a description of how each map looks and is used