• Have you ever wondered what makes CTA Independence events happen? It is the many people who volunteer their time to help out the school. Working with the PTO, the CTA Dad's Club is a primary source for Dads to volunteer and be a part of CTA Independence. The Dad's Club has one simple mission:
    “Make a difference at CTA and in the lives of our children.”
    The difference is found in the money raised for the school, the pride in helping out our community, and the smiles on our children’s faces. Through events such as movie nights, golf tournaments, and the CTA Spring Fling the Dad's Club embraces this mission.
    Volunteering for the CTA Dad's Club is easy. Simply come on out to the next Dad's Club meeting.  The commitment is small, but the payback is HUGE!!!
    Contact: Eric Bell at CTADadsClub@gmail.com
    Eric Bell- President of Dads Club at the Golf Tournament


Last Modified on December 12, 2017