• Welcome to ACPHS and thank you for picking our school to support our teachers by substituting. 

    Below are a few information items to assist you with subbing at ACPHS:

         Location: Arizona College Prep High School (ACPHS)
    4477 S. Gilbert Rd. ~ Gilbert, AZ  85249       


    Directions/Parking: (see map on the left side menu)

    Coming from North Gilbert Rd., turn left on Brooks Farm (Intersection Light), or Coming from South Gilbert Rd., turn right on Brooks Farm.  Turn first left by softball fields, drive all the way to property wall and turn right, take second right, take first left, “unassigned” parking lot on your left.


    Report to Main Office “C” Bldg: (see map on the left side menu)

    Walk South toward “F” Bldg (Cafeteria), gates are open.  Walk through campus toward “C” bldg., walk toward the right at hallway, quick left heading south again, walk left, take right at double doors/windows (front office).  Sign in at the front desk on Yellow-Golden Rod Sign-In Sheet. 

    Your sub-binder will be on the counter with classroom key and rosters (2 sets, 1 for attendance and 1 to keep)  – OPEN the binder, rosters on left side with the teacher’s name you are subbing for, as well as room number.  Return binder at end of your sub timeframe to same counter.


    If you are unable to keep your assignment, please call our office as soon as possible.  Rachel Gurrola, Office Manager/Sub Coordinator 480-424-8707 or Eve Lopez, Receptionist/Main Office 480-424-8700.