• Inside a cabin...Ready to snorkel!On the boat to the island...These are the cabins!Students on the pier at sunset.View of Fox Landing from the hike up the hill. Our cabins are on the beach!Catalina Island - AP Biology Trip

    For those of you new to hearing about this trip, we leave by charter bus Thursday night after school and drive overnight to Los Angeles. Friday morning we take a boat to the Catalina Island Marine Institute campground (accessible only by boat) where we spend Friday night to Sunday afternoon engaged in a variety of marine biologist led activities like day and night (bioluminescent) snorkeling, ocean kayaking, tidepooling, hiking, a campfire/student talent show plus marine biology classes. The institute is located on a campground and includes all meals plus cabin accommodations (with your own sleeping bag of course!) It is a spectacular experience! All of this for only $600 TOTAL and best of all- it can even be paid for with tax credit donations!

    Need to Knows (FAQs)
    Q: When is the trip taking place?
    A: Thursday, February 22, 2024 to Sunday, February 25, 2024
    Q: How are students being transported? 
    A: Students will take a charter bus to Los Angeles, Queen Mary Terminal and then Ferry to Catalina Island Marine Institute (CIMI) Two Harbors. From there, we will be dropped off directly at the pier for Fox Landing. They will have the same transportation returning back.
    Q: When do students leave and return?
    A: Participants will depart at 10:30pm on Thursday, February 22, 2024
    Q: How much is this going to cost (Activity Fee)?
    A: The trip costs a total of $600. 
    Q: What payments make up the total cost (Activity Fee) of the trip?
    A:  Participation/Deposit Fee ($200) - The deposit is part of the total Activity Fee and is due August 31st, 2023 in order to ensure a spot is held for the student. Remaining Balance ($400). This remaining balance can be broken up in monthly installments, so long as the total amount is paid in full by November 1st unless paying with TAX CREDITS. IF paying with TAX CREDITS ONLY: payments may be split between this year and next in order to take advantage of the additional tax credits available in 2024. In those cases, another $200 will be due by November 1st and the remaining $200 of tax credits will be due January 15th, OR if the student has already maxed out the tax credits for 2023 after the deposit is paid, I can accept whatever the remaining balance is by January 15th. If MORE than $200 is needed to be paid in January with tax credits, PLEASE let Mrs. Sims know before November 1st. 
    Q: How do I pay for this trip?
    A: This trip can be paid for by cash, check, or credit card through the bookstore or the portal. Any payments can count towards tax-credit if proper paperwork is filled out at time of payment. Specific information about payments are located in the documents/emails provide through the year. Anyone can help cover the cost of a student's trip to Catalina. If there is true financial hardship, please contact me (Mrs. Sims) as I do receive some donations reserved for just those purposes to either supplement a portion or potentially even all of the trip's cost. Whenever possible, please try to secure tax credit donations from anyone else inside or outside the family. TAX CREDIT papers must be signed and returned to the bookstore (Ms. Arceo) after donations have been made.
    Q: What if a student has to cancel? Are there refunds?
    A: Students may cancel up to 90 days prior to leaving (up to November 22nd) for a full refund if NOT paid with tax credits, any cancellations after November 23th will result in forfeiture of $67 of the original deposit with a refund of all remaining funds. Any cancellations 30 days prior or less (January 23rd) results in loss of $117, and students who do not show up on the island lose $167. Please keep in mind that tax credits are NEVER refundable because you get every single dollar back from taxes you paid to the state.
    Q: When do students need to be dropped off and picked up at ACP?
    A: The bus will depart promptly at 10:30pm on Thursday, February 22, 2024 so it is required that students arrive no later than 10:15pm in order to get all logistics figured out prior to a prompt departure. The bus typically returns between 10pm and 11:30pm on Sunday, February 25th, 2023
    Q: What is the general information for tax credit?
    A: You can submit up to $200 per adult filing taxes or $400 for a married couple filing jointly per year.
    Q: I only see the Catalina Island Field Trip payment option through In Touch- how do I pay with tax credits?
    Donate to Science Club and fill out the tax credit form provided in class.
    What to bring to CIMI -please be aware that although CIMI requests no cell phones (and there is NO cell phone reception/service at the site), we require them so that students can contact you Sunday night when we return!
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Last Modified on January 8, 2024