• Character Counts!
    At Santan, we continue to implement Character Counts!  All of the students are taught about the Six Pillars of good character (Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Citizenship, Trustworthiness, and Caring).  These pillars are displayed in the lunch room for all students to see.
    Our Counselor provides classroom lessons on character education, bullying, conflict resolution, and other issues that impact our students. In addition,she provides social groups for selected students who are having difficultly with a variety of issues.
    Our expectation is that all students show good character, whether someone is looking, or not.  Students are encouraged to use "I" statements when they encounter conflict. If this doesn't work, they need to immediately seek the assistance of an adult.  If that adult doesn't help them, they need to seek assistance from administration.
    Students who have shown good character, are invited to a special character event with Mrs. O'Neal. They are recognized for their good character.
    Our school rules are posted in every classroom.  Along with detention, there are consequences for students who don't adhere to the STORM rules
    If you have concerns about specific behavior issues, please contact administration.
    Keep up the good work Stormers! 

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