• Character Counts!

    The Character Counts! framework is in full implementation. The foundation of the framework is the six pillars of character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship.These six character traits help to instill a positive school climate for students with a culture of kindness that stands against bullying in order to provide a safe learning environment for all students. The pillars are listed in the order above to create the acronym TRRFCC to help students and adults remember them.

    Six Pillars of Character Counts Picture

    These pillars are not just a “school thing” they are life skills that promote personal and interpersonal success beyond the school years. Therefore, every adult on campus is asked to model these pillars in their words and actions. We can show our children how to be kind to all people, how to deal with issues and frustrations in a positive and responsible manner, and how to stay in control of our emotions in order to collaborate with others toward viable and productive solutions/outcomes. We look forward to partnering with parents to create a school community that reflects what we like to see in the larger society:  embracing diversity and difference, treating others with respect, and showing empathy and care for one another on a daily basis.