• The Academies
     at Hamilton High School

    excellence in academics…
    excellence in youth development…


    Freshmen Football, Boy's and Girl's Golf, Boy's and Girl's Soccer, Softball, Boy's and Girl's, Swimming, Boy's and Girl's Tennis & Girls Volleyball
    Mission Statement

    Hamilton High School (HHS) will emerge as the premiere high school in the United States for high school student athletes wanting the best athletic training and the best in academic preparation.  Each Academy will provide the prep student athlete the best environment to develop physically, mentally, technically, and academically.  Graduates will be prepared academically and athletically to succeed.



    The current student athlete attends school daily and then trains in their sport at night. Many student athletes leave the home at 6:30 AM for school and finish their sport training at 9 PM resulting in an environment not conducive to good academics or family life. This strains the student athlete both athletically, academically, socially, and financially. There is considerable opportunity to provide a singular academy that will educate and train the student athlete at the same facility in an integrated manner.  This improves the education and training experience while creating an improved quality of family life.  The demand in the community is for the best academic experience coupled with the best athletic scenario.

    This year over 700 students are participating in the Academies. 

    Bottom Line: Better value, academics, and a better lifestyle.  Serious student-athletes will enjoy the benefits of high school sports and top academics.

    Academy Sample Day
    •     7:25 AM Training
    •     9:00 AM Shower and prepare for school
    •     9:30 AM School Begins
    •     2:14 PM Regular School Day Ends
    •     2:19 – 3:09 PM 7th Hour Academic Class
    •     3:15 – 4:00 PM Study Hall & Tutoring*
    *Each Academy determines their own Study Hall schedule
    The Academies at Hamilton will have the distinct advantages of:
    • The strongest coaching staff in Arizona
    • Strong academics
    The Academies at Hamilton will offer students and families key benefits:
    • The best academic experience
    • The most comprehensive athletic training environment in Arizona
    • Improve quality of life for student athletes and families


    The Academies at Hamilton High School are open to all Hamilton students.  Students should sign-up for the Academies in their registration materials.  Please note that a few Academies do have ability pre-requisites that will determine if a student will be allowed into the Academy on a one or two period basis. 

    If you have any questions regarding the Academy you can email the Athletic Director, Brett Palmer at palmer.brett@cusd80.com or by calling 480-883-5009

Last Modified on October 23, 2018