• About Dr. Melinda Parry...

    Position: AP Psychology (Grades 10-12)

    Room: C 124

    Phone: (480) 883-5253

    Email: Dr. Melinda Parry

    Dr. Melinda Parry

    Connect With Us

    Click here to connect with us on our school social media pages, Infinite Campus Portal (assignments and grades), by email, or by phone.


    Welcome to AP Psychology! I am so excited that you have chosen to learn about the mind and body. I am extremely passionate about the subject and I love working with kids, so teaching high school psychology is a perfect fit for me. I know that this is going to be another great year!

    My Education and Professional Background

    Ph.D. Educational Psychology, University of Arizona, 2001 – 2006 (Minor: Language, Reading, and Culture); Dissertation: Little Machiavellians: Deception in Early B.S. Psychology, Cum Laude, University of Arizona, 1996 – 2001 (Minor: Molecular and Cellular Biology); Regents Scholar, Golden Key National Honors Society.

    My Educational Philosophy

    A great education is one that promotes enthusiasm for the content through active engagement in discussions and activities. The more that students interact with the content, the more that they are able to apply what they are learning to the real world so that they better understand themselves and the world in which we live.