
    The Living Unified Club at Basha High School desires to provide the most opportunity for creating positive school climates and ensuring that all students, particularly those with ID (intellectual disabilities), become part of the school fabric.                  

    Living Unified Club (L.U.C.) will be a positive difference in the lives of students by bringing youth with and without disabilities together through education, social opportunities and related initiatives that provide them with the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to create and sustain school communities that promote acceptance, respect and human dignity for all students. The main components of L.U.C. are:

      1. Supporting Inclusive Sports and Fitness (Unified Sports events)
      2. Youth Leadership and Advocacy-provides students with and without intellectual disabilities to take on leadership roles in promoting L.U.C. activities in the school and community
    • Whole School Engagement-provides opportunities for all student in the school to participate in L.U.C. through school-wide activities (e.g. R-word campaign, Fans in the Stands, Pledge and Plunge)


    Living Unified club meets every Wednesday during Conference time in the cafeteria. The club members work collaboratively on a committee of their choice-Social Committee, Public Relations Committee, Talent Show Committee, Spread the Word to End the Word Committee, Autism Awareness Art Show Committee, and Prom Committee. These committees have the responsibility of planning and promoting the many social, fundraising and social awareness activities throughout the year.

    Many of our social activities occur in the evening, including our PROM, the grandest of all our events. These activities can be supported with your generosity through the Extra Curricular Activity Tax Credit Contributions. Your donations to Living Unified Club ($200 for single and $400 for family) are fully reimbursed by the State Of Arizona on your state tax return!

    Your support is greatly appreciated as the students of Basha High Living Unified Club work diligently toward our mission of all students becoming part of the Basha Bear community.