
  • Halls

    Maria Solis
    Attendance Technician
    Tammy Gobble
    Attendance Technician
    Shannon Pearsall 
    Attendance Technician
    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!

    Below we have outlined our policies designed for the safety of our staff and students.
    Please feel free to call or email with any additional questions or concerns.
    We hope you have a great year!

    Reporting an Absence:

    Absence Line:  24 Hours - 480-224-2103
    Please contact the Attendance Office to report a student's absence.  Parent/Guardian has 24 hours to excuse the absence.  The following information is requied in order to excuse a student: 
    *  Student's first and last name
    *  Student's school ID number
    *  Date of absence(s)
    *  Reason for absence
    *  Your name and relationship to the student
    *  Your telephone number

    Homework Requests:
    Students that have missed three or more days of school can request homework by contacting teachers via email. Click here to see faculty pages and contact information.

    Sign Out Policy:

    Parent/guardian must sign students out in the Attendance Office and show picture ID in order to pick up student.  Anyone other than the parent/guardian picking up student must be listed on the emergency information.  Students will not be called out of class until parent/guardian has signed student out with proper identification. 
    Student Drivers:
    If a student needs to leave campus during school hours, please plan ahead and don’t wait until the last minute and call the Attendance Office to excuse student on short notice. Student Drivers need to sign out and pick up an off campus pass.

    Release of one student to leave campus with another student (other than sibling) is prohibited.
Last Modified on July 18, 2024