• Speech and Debate is a competitive debating, argumentative speaking, persuasive speaking, and/or competitive acting club. Find out more about us here

    As the biggest academic club on campus, Hamilton Speech and Debate prides itself on its legacy of success. Over the course of our club’s history, we have won numerous accolades and scholarships. We have hundreds of members, are a nationally ranked school, and boast one of the best speech and debate programs in all of Arizona. Being a part of this club is a great thing to put on your college applications, and it allows you to compete in some of the most prestigious tournaments offered in high school. However, Speech and Debate is also more than just trophies and glory. Despite being such a large club, we still manage to maintain a very tight-knit community. Being a part of speech and debate is one of the most fun and unique experiences you can be a part of in high school. Whether it be competing in the finals round of a major tournament, wandering around the campuses of Harvard or Berkeley with your friends, or just hanging out with your teammates at Starbucks after a particularly stressful tournament. The memories and friends you make as a member of Speech and Debate are something that you will cherish for the rest of your life. If you enjoy or want to improve your skills of arguing with other people, talking in front of groups, acting and improvising, researching unique topics, or just meeting new people, we have something for you! Most importantly, Speech and Debate empowers students to stand up for themselves and find a platform where they can talk about their passions and be accepted and welcomed for who they truly are.



    Follow us on Instagram @hamiltonspeechanddebate


    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

    Public Address (PA)

    Room D210





    Limited Prep (LP)

    Room D207










    Room D210






    Room D211









    Public Forum (PF)

    Room E115






    Lincoln Douglas (LD)

    Room D207








    Public Forum (PF)

    Room E115






    Lincoln Douglas (LD)

    Room D207









    General Tournament Format:

    Congress competes from 8:00am Friday to 2:30pm Friday

    Debate events begin Friday afternoon from 3:00 – 9:00pm and resume Saturday morning around 12:00pm

    Speech events begin Saturday morning at 8:00am

    Awards assembly is usually scheduled for 6:30pm Saturday evening– all event final rounds must be completed before awards can begin.