Parents and Students
Page Navigation
- Announcements & Flyers
- Annual Emergency and Health Update (OLR)
- Bell & Lunch Schedules
- Booster Club
- Breakfast & Lunch Menus
- BSN Payne Gear
- CEF Cash for Cla$$rooms
- Chromebook 1:1 Devices
- Connect with Us
- CUSD Enrollment Info
- CUSD Jr High Student Handbook
- CUSD Nutrition Information
- CUSD Parent Resources
- CUSD Transportation
- Day 1, Day 2 Schedule
- Individualized Education Plan Resources
- Online Fee Payments
- Parent Square
- Payne Gear
- PJHS Main Calendar
- Purchase a Yearbook
- Register to Receive Alerts From CUSD
- Registration Information
- Supply List
- The Panther Post Newsletter